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It’s a wonderful feeling to wake up in the morning refreshed, feeling positive, and ready to greet the day. 

How often do you experience a morning like that? If you have difficulties falling asleep and staying asleep, you most likely dread the morning hours before your first cup of coffee. 

Getting an adequate amount of truly restful sleep is crucial to your overall health and well-being. Let’s take a look at why you may be struggling to fall asleep or stay asleep. Plus, let’s take a look at my favorite natural sleep hacks – backed by science and proven to work. 


What Causes Poor Sleep or Insomnia? 

Insomnia is when you consistently have difficulty falling or staying asleep. Insomnia can have a wide array of underlying causes including: 

  • Stress  

  • Certain medications  

  • Nicotine  

  • Caffeine   

  • Stimulants  

  • Alcohol  

  • Inconsistent work schedules or working the graveyard shift

  • Traveling   

  • Poor sleep habits (also known as sleep hygiene)   

  • Past trauma 

  • Anxiety and/or depression 

  • Chronic pain 

  • Hormonal changes (such as menopause or low estrogen levels) 

  • Autoimmune disorders 

  • Environmental toxins (like exposure to toxic mold) 

  • Excess cortisol 

These issues can result in a shift in neurotransmitters and hormones, which are responsible for making you feel sleepy and cycling through the four stages of sleep. Many times, someone with insomnia is actually experiencing two or more root causes.  

Now let’s look at some favorite sleep hacks so you can address insomnia with natural supports and wake up refreshed every day. 


Better Sleep with Better Diet 

The food and beverages that you consume – especially close to bedtime – can negatively affect your sleep. Take the following steps to help ensure restful sleep:  

  • Avoid caffeine after noon. Yes, an afternoon cup of green tea or vanilla latte tastes good, but the caffeine can continue to stimulate your brain into the late hours of the night. You will be wide awake just when it’s bedtime. Switch to herb teas or decaffeinated coffee in the afternoon and evening. 

  • Avoid alcohol before bed. Alcohol makes you feel drowsy, but it actually disrupts your sleep pattern. As your body processes the alcohol while you sleep, it disrupts your REM sleep, which is so necessary to feel truly rested in the morning. Keep alcohol consumption to a minimum and never past 8:00 p.m. 

  • Avoid heavy meals right before bed. Eating a large meal just before bed will make you feel sleepy. However, it can disrupt the release of hormones like melatonin and HGH which are essential to restful sleep. 

  • Limit beverage intake before bed. This should be obvious. You really don’t need to get up in the middle of the night to empty your bladder. Avoid consuming large amounts of fluids before bedtime to prevent bathroom trips in the middle of the night. 


Keep a Set Schedule for Bedtime 

Our bodies function on a loop that closely aligns with sunrise and sunset. This is the circadian rhythm. While most of us don’t go to bed exactly at sunset and awaken at sunrise, the more you can match that rhythm, the better.  

Tap into your natural circadian rhythm by keeping a set routine at bedtime. When you practice this consistently, you train your brain to associate sleep signals around bedtime. That habit helps promote better sleep. And, it helps your neurotransmitters and hormones establish firm patterns to help you get quality sleep. 


Create a Sleep Haven 

In addition to keeping a set bedtime routine, you need to make your bedroom a haven for sleep. Consider making the following changes: 

  • Keep the temperature cool so it makes you comfortable under the blankets. 

  • Block out any light. This includes nightlights, the TV, the computer monitor, and your cell phone. If light enters from outside, get black-out curtains. You may even wish to try an eye mask for sleeping. 

  • Block out the noise. Shut off the TV, put your phone on “do not disturb,” and close doors and windows. However, white noise can be effective at blocking out other sounds. A fan is an effective way to create white noise. 

  • Invest in a good-quality mattress. This may be an expensive item, but it’s a worthy investment in your overall well-being. Having a comfortable mattress is one of the best ways to enhance sleep quality. 


Take Steps to Manage Your Stress 

Anxiety is a sleep killer. You toss and turn while churning worry and anxious thoughts through your head. You can take proactive steps to address the stress in your life. 

Some ways to mitigate and process stress include: 

  • Spending time in nature  

  • Connecting with loved ones  

  • Journaling 

  • Working out  

  • Meditating 

  • Practicing deep breathing 

  • Getting a massage 

  • Taking a walk 

  • Cognitive behavioral therapy 

  • Aromatherapy

You will need to find the method that works best for you. You might even try several stress management strategies. You will find that your sleep will improve. 


Get Better Sleep with CBD 

Research into CBD and sleep disorders is still in the early phases, but it’s promising. Many people who use CBD for chronic pain also report that their quality of sleep improves. And people using CBD to address anxiety also report better sleep. More studies are needed to pinpoint the action involved: are they sleeping better because their pain or anxiety is reduced, or does the CBD promote sleep. 

Initial studies of CBD and sleep problems suggest positive outcomes, with higher doses of CBD having a sedative effect. 

I recommend Soul Dream Capsules to promote healthy REM sleep. They are organically farmed, contain zero TCH, and include magnesium and chamomile. It’s a natural support for better sleep rather than chemicals like Ambien or OTC sleep aids that have side effects. 


Optimal Sleep for Better Overall Health and Well-Being 

You are unique. Each individual needs to find the best steps to follow for good sleep. The tips in this article can help you reach that restful, peaceful sleep. Making multiple changes all at once can be overwhelming, so begin with one or two. Incorporate one or two at a time until you reach optimal sleep. Tiny adjustments over time add up in a big way when it comes to improving your sleep and well-being.